Mar 23, 2011

Curse you Easter!

Ok ok I dont actually curse Easter..not the real Easter. Just this commercially driven Easter with plastic eggs and oh so yummy candy! I think it is the one time of year I hate the most. Only because of my weakness for certain candy that can only be found this time of year. I am having to learning self-control again after my last pregnancy. I went into it after losing 50 lbs and eating healthy. And once I was past the months of thinking I would puke if I even looked at food and the cravings started, that was pretty much the end of self control and eating healthy. I didnt eat horrible but if I really wanted something I would eat some. And all those things I had cut out of my diet were back. This time around it is so much harder for me to eat as healthy as I was. I wish so bad I would have been healthier during my pregnancy but its too late for that. So back to my point. During this time of year and with my current weakness in self countrol I am trying so hard and slighty failing at avoiding these certain Easter candy:

{Hershey Candy coated Eggs}

Yummy!!! I blame my mom for this one...she always bought a tons of these every year!

{Cadbury Mini Eggs}

They has such an odd taste but God I love them

{Dove Easter Bunny}

My sweet/evil husband brought me one of these when I was having a bad day. I love me some Dove chocolate and a solid bunny made of it, what could be better?!?! I didnt even know these things existed until this year

Mar 8, 2011's BIGFOOT!

This is Bigfoot. He has been part of the family since Christmas. He is a pretty cool toy too..he does and says all kinds of things. But usually he is just sitting on a wooden stool by the door in Lyndon's room. And since Sophie has started crawling, she often ventures off into Lyndon's room. At first she would always stop and stare at him, I guess to make sure he wasnt moving or going to get her. Or maybe she just wasnt sure what that crazy looking thing was. Anyway, after a while she would touch him and "talk" to him. So the other day Lyndon decided he wanted to play with him so we charged up his battery. I figured it wouldnt be a big deal to Sophie since she has gotten used to seeing him and often tries to play with him. Boy, was I wrong! As soon as he started moving and saying things, she flipped out! I wish I would have had my camera ready but I couldnt find it at first. And by the time I did, she has started warming back up to him. I did a picture of her crawling away crying and a short video. Yes, I am probably a horrible mom for finding it funny, but it was! And it wasnt like she was getting hurt. I couldnt get the video to load :( but here are a few pictures

This isnt Bigfoot's first scaring either. As soon as he came out of his box, he began to scare cousin Lily. He wasnt even turned on and she was terrified!

Mar 4, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday

1. The phrase or punctuation I overuse most is "Stop it!" I probably say it every 2 minutes. The joys of having kids!
2. Today I am thankful for somewhat warmer weather even if it is supposed to rain later today.

3. My best friend is my hubby or my sisters. They have always been there for me when I need them

4. A quirky thing about me is I'm somewhat compulsive about certain things being done. Like I can not stand for the shower curtain to be open. even if the door is shut, it will drive me crazy to know it is open that I go shut it. The same with the bed being made and pillows being off the couch .

5. This weekend I am hitting up the gym and spending time with the family, maybe take the kids swimming at the gym pool .

6. Something that worries me is moving to NC and the housing situation...pretty much everything after May!

7. On my night stand you would find the alarm clock, a burp cloth and a bottle of water .

Mar 2, 2011

One hell of a day

Today has so far been the longest and worst day EVER! For some ungodly reason little Miss Sophie decided to wake up at like 4 this morning and refused to go back to sleep. After about an hour and half, nursing her, and us moving into the living room so we wouldnt wake daddy, I finally got her settled down. And at some point we fell asleep on the couch only to be woken up by Lyndon at like 6:30 wanting to watch cartoons. From there it hasnt gotten any better. I have spent most of the day with her asleep in my lap. Or her crawling behind me crying. And after a quick and frantic trip to Walgreen's to get baby tylenol, she is currently laying on my chest sleeping as I type this. So I think she is either getting sick or about to cut a tooth. I am leaning towards cutting a tooth because she has been drooling ALOT. But who knows. Looks like I may not be going to the gym today though :(